Commercial Solar

Solar for commercial buildings makes sense. There are state rebates for small and large commercial installations, along with a 30% federal tax credit (more info below). With new regulations about remote net metering, you have the option of installing panels on-site (on your roof or next to your building) or off-site. There are also effective and affordable financing options.

Get a quote from a local solar contractor, and be on your way towards reducing your energy bills and powering your own business or non-profit.

Incentive Programs

There are two main incentives available to commercial buildings:


  2. Federal solar Investment Tax Credit

In addition, small businesses in rural areas and farms may qualify for an additional 25% grant for solar energy or other renewable energy systems through the USDA Rural Energy for America Program.

Solar panels on rooftop of office building.

Alt text: solar panels on rooftop of office building.