Think solar is expensive? Think again! There are now affordable options for homeowners and renters to source 100% of their home's electricity from the sun.

Now is a great time to go solar. There are different ways to power your home with solar, with options for homeowners and renters. If you purchase a residential system, incentives for going solar typically cover up to 60-65% of a system's cost. But purchase is not required; there are options to access solar power generated locally at prices that are lower than the utilities', including a new free subscription program for income-eligible New York residents.

Alt text: video from Smart Energy Choices Cornell Cooperative Extension that explains 3 ways you can power your home or business using solar energy.

Our Community Energy Advisors can help you figure out which option may work for you. We are not salespeople, and are here to help you every step of the way.

(By the way, before considering solar, we recommend getting an energy audit first, and trying to reduce your energy use. By reducing your energy use you may end up needing a smaller solar array, which will also be cheaper.)

Watch the video above or read on for more information about the solar options, including relevant incentives available, and local contractors:

  1. Residential Solar - solar panels on your roof or property

  2. Community Solar Subscription - short-term contract for purchasing solar power from solar farm